Did you know that there are at least three Doctor Who Monopoly games? There are three as of this writing, but there could be more released in the future - I'm sure the Doctor knows exactly how many will be made, but we will have to take the long way when it comes to finding out.

The Doctor Who editions are the same game that you already know, but there have been Whovian changes made to each of them. The boards each have images from each edition - for example, the villains version has images of several enemies that the Doctor and his companions have faced over the decades.

The tokens vary from one edition to the next, but they are all items that Who fans will know and recognize. Depending on the game you play you might be able to choose from a gas mask, K-0, sonic screwdriver, celery, and more!

Here is a breakdown of each game's tokens:

Collector's Edition (the cover has three Daleks)
Tokens - Sonic Screwdriver, The Seventh Doctor’s Umbrella, The Second Doctor’s Recorder, The Fifth Doctor’s Celery, The Eleventh Doctor’s Bow Tie, and the Fourth Doctor’s Scarf

Regeneration Edition (the cover has the 10th, 11th, and 12th Doctor and Clara Oswald)
Tokens - Fez, TARDIS, Sonic Screwdriver, U.N.I.T. Badge, The Moment, and River Song’s Diary

Villains Edition (the cover has a weeping angel, cyberman, mummy, and an Ood)
Tokens - TARDIS, Pandorica, 12th Doctor's Ring, Gas Mask, K-9, and River Song's Diary

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Monopoly: Doctor Who Edition

The villains edition of Doctor Who Monopoly

The regeneration edition of Doctor Who Monopoly


Doctor Who Monopoly

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