The Millennium Falcon might look like a hunk of junk to some people, but to Han Solo and Chewbacca it's a majestic ship that they wouldn't trade for anything else.

It was originally a freighter ship but Han and Chewie used it for smuggling, something it did incredibly well due to its size and ability to outrun Imperial Star Destroyers, thanks to many modifications. It seems that Han has given the keys to Rey, a scavenger who has an instinctual understanding of how the ship works, and that the ship will continue to have adventures.

The Millennium Falcon speaker is a gorgeous replica of the smuggler's ship, right down to its dirty appearance. It comes with a platform to sit on and LED lights on the back light up during use. This is cooler than carbonite and a must-have item for any fan of the Star Wars saga!

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Millenium Falcon Bluetooth Speaker

Star Wars Millenium Falcon speaker

Millennium Falcon Speaker

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