The final episode of Doctor Who's season 9 was the Christmas episode, and it was called "The Many Husbands of River Song." Most fans sat around the TV on Christmas day and watched this episode, but I wasn't one of them.
Nope, I waited. And waited, and then waited some more before finally giving in and watching it.
Why? Because my children had not seen the last two episodes of the season (not including this one) and I wanted to watch it with them. But now, two months later, I finally gave up waiting for them to get caught up and watched it.
Wow! I am so glad I did! It was brilliant. Alex Kingston, who plays the role of River Song, was on top of her game. It was like no time had passed at all since she last walked in River's footsteps, but I suppose that makes sense given that this is a show about time travel, right?
The first half was wonderfully funny, with a lot of clever one-liners. My favorite part was when the Doctor asked if this is what River is like when he's not around, followed closely by his realization that she has stolen the TARDIS for joy rides multiple times.
Then, it got serious. Boy, did it! Writer Stephen Moffat tied up the few loose strings that remained for River's character. We found out how she got the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, and we saw their last night together as husband and wife. Was I the only one who was wiping away tears by the end? I doubt it.
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